Welcome to Reserve Tickets service



If you are searching for the cheapest  flight tickets,then our flights are the perfect answer for you.We have a large repository of flights from which you can choose the flight path that suits you best. We guarantee that our tickets will be the cheapest.By collecting data about flight schedules,past fare trends, and future fare projections, we  also customize our flight deals, discounts, and offers to facilitate additional savings.

Domestic flight BooKing:

Do you want to travel to Muscat, Salalah, Sohar, Muscat, or Duqm Book the cheapest domestic flights with SalamAir and Oman Air We can choose the itinerary that suits you departure for duration times ,arrival time and the duration at flight. Get the best cheap flights

International flight Booking:

Take with MZN on that international trip you always have dreamed of Book your international flight tickets with  the cheapest prices on Rehlat. In which country do you dream of visiting. Our platform makes it easy for you to book the flight at the lowest cost 


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There are a few things you can do to get the best deal on your flight. Start by searching for flights in incognito mode or using a VPN to avoid cookies that track your search history. You can also be flexible with your travel dates and consider alternative airports. Signing up for email alerts and using travel booking websites and apps can also help you find great deals.
Most airlines allow you to make changes to your flight, but there may be fees and restrictions depending on the type of ticket you purchased. Be sure to read the airline's terms and conditions before booking to understand their change and cancellation policies.
Most airlines offer free seat selection during online check-in. However, some airlines may charge extra for advanced seat selection or for premium seats with extra legroom. Check with the airline's policies and fees to know the options available to you.
he ideal time to book your flight is around six to eight weeks before your travel date. However, this can vary depending on the destination and the time of year. For popular destinations during peak travel seasons, it's best to book as early as possible to get the best deals.
Most airlines now accept digital boarding passes that you can show on your smartphone. However, it's always best to check with your airline's requirements before your travel date to ensure a smooth and hassle-free check-in process.
No more expensive, international tickets are the lowest price when pre-booking
He does not need to be satisfied with a copy of the ticket on the mobile phone
After transferring the amount, the ticket will be booked and sent to you as soon as possible
You can cancel it 24 hours before the flight.
A passport valid for 6 months
Tell us the travel dates and the country's airport, and we will give you the available options for flights with prices.